Youtube Videos

Reeca Allana Campos Reeca Allana Campos

Can you please just tell me what to do?!

Can you please just tell me what to do?!

How many of us have experienced wanting someone to come and tell us what to do when we are facing adversity in our businesses or going through a stressful time?

I know I’ve felt this many times when I’ve been unsure what to do. When I’ve been struggling to find the “perfect solution.”

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Lee Povey Lee Povey

You are used to being the most capable person in the room

You are used to being the most capable person in the room, yet deep down, you long for someone to tell you what to do…

You are used to leading small and dynamic teams, but now your team is rapidly expanding, and you feel you have less control.

We've all been there, struggling to trust others to do the work as well as we can. It's a common challenge we face as founders.

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Lee Povey Lee Povey

How Parents Can Support Their Young Athletes

How Parents Can Support Their Young Athletes

If you’re hoping to get your child into sports, or they’re already involved in athletics, then your biggest goal for them is just to see them succeed.

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Lee Povey Lee Povey

What is High-Performance Leadership?

As a founder and company performance coach, I think a LOT about leadership and its meaning.

My views have changed as I’ve grown personally, observed and learned from extraordinary leaders, and studied psychology and human behavior.

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Lee Povey Lee Povey

What I learned from my Psilocybin experience

A couple of weeks ago, I did a therapist-led Psilocybin (mushroom) experience. Those who have known me for a while might be surprised to hear this. As my mum said, “That doesn't sound like you, Lee!”

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